That's what the good book says alright!!!
Exodus 20:15 |
What is wrong with people these days?
I decided to blog about the Eighth Commandment because it's something I've had conversation with others about most recently. Not about people that have stolen people's hearts away, like this 1965 song I found sings about. lol But, about people that have stolen material items that others have spent their hard earned money to buy. People that have no respect for others, or this Eighth Commandment in the Bible. Frankly, it amazes me sometimes, and breaks my heart. I know times are hard for many....but stealing from others? Come on now!! And many people steal not because they are struggling, but for sport, because they can.
There is no such thing as "petty theft" in God's sight - the character of those who steal a little is the same as those who steal much. (Luke 16:10,11 - "One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches?") Daily Bible Study
My daughter has had several of her own items stolen from her, so she knows what it feels like to be a victim. Cellphone, her ipod(s), my ipod(s)....I put the "s" for a reason. Yup, more than one. When the kids no longer have theirs, they start using yours often with or without your permission...and what happens? The same thing that happened to theirs!! My husband always says, he "don't like to buy the same thing twice." He is big on taking care of his stuff and people taking care of other people's stuff. When she had her first iPod stolen she was totally crushed too. It was a special iPod because it was something she had wanted soo bad and what my husband had surprised her with as a Christmas Gift when we were dating. It was all engraved and everything. Oh, and he told her to keep it safe. Don't lose it, don't get it stolen. His famous last words, "Trust Nobody!" lol He is right though.
When we were talking about people stealing, I was reminding her about how she felt when her stuff was stolen and how unfair it would be to make another innocent person feel the same way. Just like these girls just did. We were talking about how hard some people have to work to get the things that they have. Business owners that often put everything they have into their businesses to make an honest buck. We also discussed how people often do things they are not supposed to when they are hanging with the wrong people. Bad influences vs good influences. Just like these three girls, because you know they didn't all come up with the same idea at the same time. It starts with one. And...we talked about consequences. In life, there are rewards and consequences to our actions. This, is why we need to choose wisely. Some consequences are worse than others. But, if you do the crime, you must do the time! It's only fair. Sometimes I have some great conversations with my daughter. I always pray that she remembers the stuff we talk about when she is out there by herself or with her friends. That it's not just going in one ear and out the other. lol
She's a good kid, she really is. many of us ask....WWJD? (What would Jesus do?)
I guess i'll have to wait to hear what becomes of these office crooks.
If that information becomes available.
And, watch what I do with my own stuff so nothing goes missing. Like Furman says...Trust Nobody!!
At the same time, i'll pray for those that steal and their victims.
Cause it just ain't right!!!
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