Woo Hoo!
Not much longer now!
Permanent Residence Application(s)
Oh yeah baby!!
Permanent Residence
I know I read on the Road to Canada Forum that once eCas has updated online with "Decision Made" that you receive your COPR (Confirmation of Permanent Residency) right after. Yay! This means that the passport is on the way...it's in the mail! In a matter of speaking. Can't wait!
Then we can start CANUCKINIZING FURMAN!!! Get it? lol ya ya....I know that's not a word but I bet you Canadians knew exactly what I meant. hahahaha
Found this and thought the facts were interesting.
Learned a thing or two myself...and I was born here. haha
What an awesome way to start the week.
I guess it's check the mailbox every day time. lolAwe yes....and time to start planning that trip to the border for LANDING! Hmmm? Maybe a night in Niagara while we are at it? After all, it's been almost one year to the day since we mailed our application and we are pretty much done. Oh boy!
This song comes to mind...lol (Classic)
Anyways....I just wanted to share this little update after a great relaxing weekend.
"DECISION MADE" A change is gonna come alright!
Oh YAY! Congrats Trissy! You will definitely have to celebrate that night you get the letter in the mail.