A personal blog that started about the experience with Canadian Immigration and the wait to bridge the gap between two in Love. An American and Canadian that were trying to finally be together once and for all!! After 360 days, Furman was granted Permanent Residency in Canada. Now, we are getting Furman settled here. He is home! Now, the road to Dual Citizenship.
Oct 6, 2011 - "So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." Matt 19:6
Thursday, June 14, 2012
When You WANT To Work
Yeah.....so THIS is how Furman is feeling! I'm sure of it. But no...he's not in this crowd with any signs. lol He is hanging around at home trying to entertain himself because he is still NOT ALLOWED TO WORK IN CANADA, yet.
He has cleaned all that may have needed cleaning. He has fixed stuff that needed fixing. He has weeded the dandelions from our walkway and has been practicing his cooking skills. Oh yeah! I will miss all this when he is working. He has watched more shows and movies than I am sure he has cared to (Netflix has come in handy although we have a complete Satellite package). With all this, he is still making time to run and stay in shape. In fact, since being in Canada he has actually lost weight and is looking very good I might add. Not that he didn't look good before..but you know what I mean. lol I can say with confidence that he is dying to get back to work. This, I know. He is certainly not the type to want to sit on his ass. I've been with one of those before. Nope...not my Furman. Hopefully, once he has been given permission to work here...yeah hopefully, he will be able to get back into what he had been doing before coming here - working for Sandals. He was good at what he did. Has the personality for it as I am sure his co-workers and many customers could attest to. I see the messages on Facebook all the time of how much everyone misses him. Come on Immigration...Hurry up already!!
Furman is anxious to get back into the workforce and add his two cents with my two cents. I'm feeling Rich already I tell ya. I've never really had another contributor to my household - ever!. I'm already feeling pretty middle class because I haven't been living cheque to cheque in quite some time now and it feels awesome. But I can only imagine what Furman is going through at home while I have to come into the office. I'm a worker bee myself. If i'm on vacation and just hanging around the house, I go nuts into the second day because i'm not doing anything. lol I don't know how to really rest sometimes. I can't understand for the life of me how some people that are able to work...I mean physically and mentally have nothing wrong with them....choose not to work a 9-5. What on earth do you do all day, every day? I don't get it. Now I'm not referring to women at home with the kids while dad is working. I'm referring to those that should be working and playing their role in society, paying taxes. No comment about those sitting at home on welfare when they shouldn't be. That's a testy subject that I'm not going to touch. But, just so you know, I was on welfare once. Sure as hell I was and not ashamed of it. It helped me get through University as a young single mom, but I had a part time job too. The day I graduated, was the day I sent a wonderfully worded letter to the welfare office and said Thank You but No Thank You Anymore! I sure did. That letter was a piece of art - wish I kept it. lol Welfare served a purpose when I was young and trying to do what I needed to do. But, I had no intention of spending my life living off of it like too many choose to do. I wont say anymore because I don't want anyone to feel that I am attacking those on welfare. To each his own. I am not trying to judge anyone because that's not for me to do. Please forgive me if you took offense to anything I said.
Had to share this jam I love since I'm not singing it anymore!! lol
I just want to understand, how can one not want to make their own money to do their own thing? It says a lot about a person's character when people choose to mooch off of other people or to be doing something illegal to get by. Seriously! I was in a relationship with someone once who wasn't working for a long period of time. They were working when we started dating and when they lost their job I didn't bail on them. Then, when they started working (hustling really), they still weren't contributing which was the downfall of our relationship - along with the added female that I didn't think we needed. lol. Yup! They got comfortable with my working and doing everything because I had to - I had kids. Something I never forgot was when they said to me "If I wasn't here you'd still have to do it anyways!" Oh yeah....someone said that to me once. It was like a face slap that was heard across the continent! lol Woke me up right quick. They were right. Absolutely right! I was the idiot for allowing myself to be taken advantage of. We love and we learn...at least that is how it's supposed to go. I try my best to teach my kids to be more like me in many ways. Not in all ways though because I want them to learn from my mistakes. lol. But, like me, work hard for what you want. Do not rely on anybody. Make YOURSELF proud first and foremost. Be bigger than you think people expect of you. (Ok...here go the head shakers with that "I don't care what anybody thinks" attitude. lol) Oh yeah! I know that I surprised a few. I probably cared too much what other people thought but not anymore. Furman is here now! He is not allowing ANYONE to take advantage of me...not if he can do something about it. He's got my back and he will go to battle for my kids too!
So....until he is able to be a Canadian ... He will just have to keep doing what he is doing. It wont be much longer now, i'm sure. All that he is doing at home is appreciated. I hope he knows this and that not only myself, but my kids are showing him. I love him. He loves me. He loves us. I'm certainly not used to anyone doing anything for me so that's an adjustment in itself. Then, I can take a step back and let him be THE MAN! Not that he is not THE MAN now...but you know what I mean! He is certainly an excellent example and the best example I have ever had for my children. Unfortunately, it's a bit late in their lives but I hope they get the message and can pick up something from him. Time will tell.
When you WANT to work and can't, you make the best of it!
He is working in other ways....like I said, something I am not used to but am loving.
I hope it won't be too much longer! It's so nice to have someone who wants to contribute.