Oct 6, 2011 - "So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." Matt 19:6

Friday, June 29, 2012

Someone I Used To Know

I dedicate this blogpost to Someone I Used To Know who is planning to walk down the aisle this weekend. (Disclaimer: Please don't think this blog post is written with any ill intentions as it is not)
I just had to post this song. Love it!

My heartfelt Congratulations to this person! (God knows my heart)
I hope it is all they dreamed of and everything goes as planned. (with the exception of my not attending.)

They've grown up...a little. With still a long way to go. Hell, i'm still growing. But, i'm happy they'll have someone by their side to grow with them. I don't know anything about him, but from the little that I have heard the two of them are definitely made for each other. I can only wish them both all the best. Furman is my Soul Mate...maybe they are Soul Mates too. ???

Now, we can look back and laugh about some of the experiences that brought this person to this point. I certainly looked at mine. God is Good. For example, a look back at the last time this person thought they were going to get married was a lesson above all lessons. I'm glad they had that experience and that's all it was. I told them that God had something better for them and I was right. These things help you grow. I'm just happy I was there to help them through it, as it was a very tough time for them. It was a lesson nonetheless! It is said that if we don't learn certain lessons the first time that we will often go through the same or something similar again. That is soo true! I don't mind sharing lessons in hope that others can spare themselves things that others have gone through already. Too many times people get into relationships and have blinders on, or rose colored glasses. Has anyone ever told you you were looking through rose colored glasses? lol In this persons case, it was definitely the blinders. That's what happens when we are young and dumb. We want someone to love us so bad that when we think we've found it, that person can do no wrong. We see nothing, hear nothing, speak nothing bad about that person. We live in LaLa Land. Trust me, I've been there too. lol  I was wearing the glasses. Just wait until I get into my own stories.  hahaha

Several years back, this person had chosen not to speak to me for what I believe was a year or so. I can't even tell you why because I really don't know. Neither did they, as they eventually admitted. I guess it's because i'm such a horrible person as they say now. Yeah...i'll stick with that excuse. Sounds good. smh. I had taken this person into my home during their time of need when they didn't have anywhere else to go supposedly....and after I tried to address issues of my being taken advantage of, the person moved out and stopped speaking with me. Really!! Then out of the blue, they turned to me in another time of need. What nerve? Their boyfriend had died. A boyfriend I had never met because we had not been on good terms. Well, although I had been treated like crap by being stricken from their life for so long...I still sprung into action because that's just me (the horrible person) and because I loved this person more than they could understand. They called ME for help. Wonder why? So I put all else aside and was there, no questions asked. After all, it was the right thing to do. I have my mother's heart. Here is where something I said earlier comes into play...because I ended up taking this person back into my home a second time. I didn't learn the lesson the first time!

Anyways....in helping this person deal with all that resulted from the deceased boyfriend, all his skeletons started to come flying out of the closet. I mean flying!! We had to duck there were so many. Turns out, the boyfriend not only had another girlfriend that was with him when he died, but he also had a wife out of town. What? Oh yeah. But these two lived together! So, I had to help this person remove everything they could from where they lived before the wife could reach town to claim stuff. The family gave permission for the stuff to be taken. Go figure. I ended up using my own contacts to arrange a truck and MY friends to move the items. Not sure where their friends were? Oh, but one was there - the BFF. Awesome girl. Where was this person supposed to go? This person didn't have anywhere. So, the items ended up at my house in my garage while they stayed at my home. I wasn't asked...it just happened. Good thing I had a room available, although it wouldn't have mattered at the time. Imagine that...after not having spoken to me for over a year they now end up living with me...yet again! How could I? Did I not learn the first time? Guess not. But the love I had for this person was that great. Love makes you do crazy things, but it doesn't give you permission to walk all over me.

During this time of grief, all the skeletons flying out of the closet helped to turn that grief into anger. Once we were able to start going through items stored in the garage to give as donation, more and more info was coming to light. Oh yeah. This man was not 25-27 yrs old that was believed, his birth certificate showed him to be like 36! Damn, he was around my age! lol Oh..but it gets worse. He not only had a wife in another part of Canada, but he had a wife in another country. A wife and child actually. A child that this person had helped to provide for, not knowing it was the man's own child. Hell....I was angry and hurt at what this person had to go through. This was some made for TV stuff. I couldn't believe this was really happening. So, at the Wake, it was soo uncomfortable. I ended up going for support and was happy to be there to give it. I'm not sure I could have gone if it was my own situation. It was just soo weird watching people give their condolences to the other girlfriend as well as this person. The two wives and child weren't present, thank God. It was crazy. Luckily, we got out of there quick enough to close a chapter of this persons life. Lesson learned? Hopefully. How someone can pretend to be 10 years younger than they were, hide two wives, a child and a local girlfriend while they are living with another is beyond me. Like I said, I never met the dude although I later saw photos. I don't get it. He couldn't have been that good with his game. I chalk it up to being young and dumb. When you are trying to be an adult and have adult relationships with no experience, you have no clue what the signs of infidelity are. You just have no clue of things that just aren't right.  I've been there. In this case, I wasn't originally around to give my usual great advice and point out things that didn't seem right, until..... lol Thank God this person got through it. They were tough and got closer to God at the time. I'll take a little credit for that. I go to church every Sunday so they came with me while they stayed in my home and God did the rest. The result, they got baptized. I was so proud. Not sure if they go to church any more though. All in all, they have their knight in shining armor now and I wish them the absolute best. Now, this is an experience you can look back and laugh at. It's why I mention it, not out of malice. Reflection is always good as it makes us appreciate where we are at when we are reminded of where we have been.

Unfortunately, we are back where we were before - not speaking. At least this time I can say why. Although, when the person left my home for a second time, they stopped speaking to me just like they did the first time. No real reason. I guess they were done with me again for a while, didn't need my help with anything else..NEXT! There is MY lesson learned. See? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Same result with nobody to blame but myself. But, I will spare the details of why we aren't talking this time or you will be reading forever, like this isn't long enough. lol. Besides, there are always three sides to every story. People need to keep that in mind. I'll just say that it will NEVER happen a third time! This time may have worked itself out just like the first time if it weren't for an evil third party in another city that loves to incite drama. As a result, horrible things were said to me that can't be taken back. Nooo..This time is much different...it's been @4yrs. But, instead of time making things better, this person just keeps making things worse. They haven't learned THEIR lesson. What lesson is that? Hmm..maybe it's just keeping your mouth shut sometimes and to stop sending messages about things that need to be dealt with in person. So, they keep doing the same thing and sending nasty messages (kept them all) and talking behind my back instead of in person. The result..the same. It's Insanity! (Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.) We are at an impasse.
Oh, but I can dish it back if I need to. I don't just sit there and keep taking it. Don't you worry! Funny thing is, when I dished it back the last time, I gave them warning because they wouldn't stop. lol Then I dished it back and apologized all in the same message. hahaha. After all, they made me do it! :) I had to show that I can be just as nasty too but just choose not to be. That's the difference. Will they ever get it? It's amazing how people seem to have so much balls when they hide behind written word. I can never get a face to face, and i'm not even a violent person.
Nope, we don't need to be in each others lives. I don't like people inciting me to be how I am not. I've learned MY lesson so I am doing something different, I'm not letting anything this person does or says affect me. Why do people treat the ones they love the worst? Because we take the ones we love for granted and assume they love us just the same and will never leave us no matter what. I've already given this relationship to God. He will decide what becomes of it. I have forgiven this person and thank them for this experience, but some things are just beyond our own repair. I will love the good memories of Someone I Used To Know. And,..wish them a lifetime of happiness to boot.

Now, don't get me wrong. We met in person once and tried to clarify some things..work things out..whatever you want to call it. I came prepared with all the nastiness printed to address what had been said to myself and others. Funny how people have selective memory. Our meeting helped me with forgiveness of that person and moving on. It was like closure and I thank them. A bigger issue was FORGIVING MYSELF for allowing this person to abuse me for a second time. Because of what this person had meant to me and who they were - that took longer. But I did. As the nastiness continues, (because they didn't get the reaction to our meeting that they wanted) it reaffirms for me that I don't need this person in my life right now. I'm happy without them, they are happy without me...they just need to move on. If you can't enhance my life then you don't need to be part of it. It is what it is. So, they tell everyone they apologized to make themselves look good but not that they are still being abusive. They refuse to meet in person again because they see "no point" but rather hide behind the keyboard and monitor "because they would spend less energy building a house". Growing up is still needed. This is one of the reasons why I refused to attend this wedding. The knife in my back would mess up my dress. Our separation continues. My mom will be there as my stand-in. She sounded disappointed when she asked me for like the 10th time if I was attending this wedding without her. Hated to disappoint her...but this is something she will have to do without me. lol I'm with her in spirit. She understands. She'll be fine. I've worked so hard to make it so. She'll be mom for the day, and minus the gift it will only cost her about $25 for the gas to Niagara Falls. Sad! That people would take a wedding as an opportunity to try and make extra cash by gouging people for gas money, when they are already going to the same place. Maybe the happy couple will reimburse mom for her expenses. lol Since the mom that raised this person was not invited. I would.
Who needs me anyways? lol  Furman does...my mom does....my children do. That's everything to me and I don't need to convince anyone of it.  I'll love this person from a distance because of who they are and not what they are. Someone I Used To Know. But that doesn't mean I don't want the best for them. Enjoy!

Some people will be there physically for you in your bad times, and be happy for you while being there in spirit for your good times. That says to me that they would rather see you in good situations by not being around to create bad situations making both unhappy. A person of good character always thinks of others.

This weekend...I will be having a blast doing something that I've been waiting to do for some time now. Oh ..but I wont share until I return. I'll miss my daughter who was supposed to be joining us but wont be joining us anymore. It's definitely not another Spartan Race....hahahahaha Nope Mud Hero is in August.

Have an awesome Long Weekend people.
(Sorry for the extra long post but hope you enjoyed it)

And again...Congrats to Someone I Used To Know!
I'm sure you'll have an absolutely awesome wedding (mine was) and will look just beautiful (I did).
After all........

Thursday, June 28, 2012

We Are At It Again!

I had to share....something I know....HE KNOWS!
Someone shared this song this morning....so i'm sharing, because sometimes we forget.

Dropped my son to work this morning. I hadn't seen him in what felt like years.
Around a certain age they start to replace family with friends.....if only they really knew what mattered most.
Gave him the biggest hug. I lost a tear or two. I love him and miss him soo much. He hasn't gone anywhere really....he's just being a young man. Sometimes I wish he would just make some special time for mom other than when he needs something from me. A movie? Dinner?
Not yet....I guess that will come when they get older and learn to appreciate mom and all she tried to teach them. When they realize that mom will not always be there because she can't be around forever.
It's hard to watch your kids grow up.
They live their own lives, making their own choices and you just have to sit back and watch as their lives unfold with hope that everything turns out ok. Hope that they would take your advice for once! lol When they get to a certain age....they don't want to hear, they want to feel. So there ya go!
I have two wonderful children who I love more than they will ever know.              

This Classic came to mind as I was writing.......

Soooooooo.........We Are At It Again!!   Oh Yeah!
It's only been 4 days since our Spartan Sprint, bruises are still healing, and we have now registered for our next adventure!  Mud Hero   Thanks Catie.  
Since becoming a Spartan, my dear friend Catie has been completely stoked and ready to go! Gheez...you'd think she was living on borrowed time or something. lol  Still...tomorrow is never promised so she is right...let's get to it!  She sent me the link AFTER she already registered. hahahaha  She was going with or without us. Gotta love her!
We paused our playback of The Bachelorette and had a look. Then, we registered. Next step...Facebook public invite. Just in case we can get others to hop on board our little adventure train, since Furman's Spartan Video gave them a taste of what they missed. lol  This video I found on You Tube is a taste of what we'll be in for with Mud Hero. August 25th. I need more training!


So far....we've got a team of 5 that I know of. I managed to convince my cousin Michelle to join us. After seeing the fun we had with Spartan she didn't want to miss out on this one. She can do it! After posting about Mud Hero on Facebook my friend Paula even sent me a message asking if she could join us. She had looked at doing this last year but didn't know anyone interested in doing it. lol She does now...Imagine that!
This is going to be awesome. I wonder how many people we'll have by August. I'll let ya know. Catie was thinking matching t-shirts to look like a real team....I agree!! Makes for great pictures.

You wanna join us?
Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?  lol

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Becoming A Spartan

Well....It's up!  How we became Spartans!

I told you in my previous post We Are Spartans that I'd follow up with my husbands official Spartan video once he completed it. I must say that it's awesome!!  Love his editing. Check it out from YouTube.

Now that some time has passed since the race, the bruises are becoming more visible and sore too. lol


This, is just one leg! lol The other looks just as bad and both of my knees are scratched and bruised also. Arms aren't too bad...just a couple of bruises there. But...the soreness is kicking in on my legs, shoulders and arms. From the video you can clearly see why and how I got what my husband titled "My Spartan Badge of Honor! lol Call me Crazy! I've heard it before. No more crazy than my husband who was made for me. But hey...it was great fun. 
I only wish that both of my children were able to cheer me on as I banged myself up. lol Do this kind of stuff with me? Yeah...right! hahahaha But, I'm happy they can look at their crazy mama doing her thing on video! Hell...I'm not Old yet. lol In years to come when i'm gone, they'll have these videos and crazy memories of me to share with their families. Oh...but i'm just getting started. Time to look for my next adventure. So far all I have planned is the Zoo Run 10k. But, that's not until September. I still have a whole summer ahead of me. Hmmm? What can I get into? I don't want to repeat things I've done already. Time for new bling. Too bad my friend Catie didn't live closer to us.


Immigration Update:    Unfortunately there is none. Nothing happening. Still waiting patiently. Still checking the website for any sign of processing. It still only says Application Received. Man oh man...if they would just hurry up and confirm they've found Furman's medicals. 
Oh well....at least we are having fun while we wait.

Did I mention that I am looking forward to the long weekend? lol

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Oh yeah baby.....We are Spartan!

Furman, my friend Catie and I completed the Spartan Sprint today. Was totally awesome!!  I've got soo many bruises and scratches, but I also got stories to go with them. I'm smiling! I'll heal up in a few days. No biggie.  All I wanted to do was Finish. I wasn't worried about time or anything..just wanted to make it to the end in one piece to get my medal and say "I did it!". And, that is exactly what I did. So proud of myself. Thanks to Furman and Catie for doing it with me...I couldn't have done it without you guys.  Ok maybe..but why would I want to? lol

When we finally found our destination in Oro Station, Ontario, we got our numbers written on our arms and forehead with marker, got our green registration wristbands and checked our bags. We walked around a bit and then found our way to where the spectators were lined up to watch the finishers complete the remaining 6 obstacles. Yes..they had that many at the end alone!

This is Catie...my partner in crime and adventure!  lol  Thanks to her I have been able to do some things I had never dreamed of doing. Ie. CN Tower Climb, Run my first 5k of which I am now running 10k....now the Spartan Sprint!  This lady is da bomb! I won't tell you how old she is...but she is definitely an inspiration, and I can only hope that I am still doing things just as crazy when i'm her age!  Love you Catie!
(God knew what he was doing when we ended up in the same training class at work 14 years ago!)

Standing along the fence by the race site about an hour and a half before our scheduled heat, we watched the first runners stop at a rowing station where several rowing machines were set up. Each Spartan had to complete 20 rows before they could move on to the next obstacle which was a pit full of ice cubes with rows of barbed wire across the top. Oh yeah! This had us concerned because the rows of barbed wire across the ice pit seemed incredibly low, too low. We watched people get their backs scratched as well as clothes partially torn off as they tried to complete this obstacle. (Thank God they raised the barbed wire by the time our heat reached them). Spartans had to crawl through the ice under the barbed wire to get to the next obstacle which were two diagonal ramps that you had to run up and jump down each to get to the hay stacks that were piled high with cargo ropes on them. Following that brought you closer to the end where you had to pass through a small space where some men dressed as Spartans holding these big q-tip looking sticks tried to prevent you from reaching the last obstacle.  Once you got through them, then there was a high wall with several ropes hanging down to help you walk up and over the wall.  After doing all we had to do already...you know that wall was hell to climb up. I had to stand and just look at it for a moment, wondering how the hell I was going to get up and over it. Did I have any more energy? I had to pull from deep within my soul! lol Furman went up first though, so he could help others up and over. Thank goodness. Now...these were the obstacles we are actually able to see before starting our race because they were all at the end near the finish line. We had no clue what we were going to encounter when we actually did the race.

Sprint? Turns out....the distance was actually 7.1k and not 5k as expected. Gheez! There was a lot of running but there were sections where you got tied up in traffic and had to walk because there were so many people. That was ok...I needed those rest breaks and took several more. lol. The event was being held at Hardwood Ski and Bike, so there were tons of hills to go up and down. Clearly this place is great for cross country skiing and mountain biking....the hills were nuts! They were kicking my ass. Those are what actually slowed me down, not the obstacles. I can't even tell you how many obstacles there were but I can say we did 15-20 of them. One of my favorite obstacles was the mud pit. We had to crawl through the mud under barbed wire in two pits which was actually one real long pit with a separation in the middle. Once we got through the second pit, then we had to crawl through thick mud almost waist high that seemed more like quicksand in my opinion. But, we got through it.
Some of the other obstacles we had were (in no particular order):
we had to jump over burning logs,
climb rope ladders to the top and back down,
wheel a wheelbarrow with weights through a designated area,
carry a weighted bag on our shoulders through a designated area,
throw a spear to a designated target, (yeah, I got stuck doing burpees on this one because I missed the target.lol Thank God Furman and Catie were their to help split them with me)
pull a rope that was weighted at one end to raise the weight to the top,
crawling under nets up hills,
skipping through tires,
climbing a wall of cargo ropes,
walking across wood beams without losing balance and falling, (I was supposed to do burpees on this one because I didn't complete it on the second try. A man nearby knocked me over so I carried on to the next obstacle without my burpees...after all, it wasn't my fault! lol)
crawling under wood tunnels and other round tunnels,
....I'm sure there might be more obstacles we completed that I missed but I guess I will have to wait to watch the video my husband took. Oh yes...he was prepared with his GoPro head camera....as were many other Spartans. lol Seems to be a popular thing and naturally, my husband is always prepared. He is actually pretty good at putting his little movies together too. With music and credits and everything...lol Can't wait to see the finished product.

Couple of Spartans!

Well, I've gotta go rest now. I'm beat! But I couldn't let the night pass without sharing our experience while things were still fresh on my mind.  Thank you to all who have shown much support and have left many many words of encouragement on my Facebook page. Much appreciated. 
I did what I said I was going to do!! I'll let you know how the bruises and scratches look as they come in. lol 


Friday, June 22, 2012

Better Things To Do

Man.....I was just sitting here watching my Live Feed and remembering.....

When I was getting married I was sooooo busy. I mean that last 10 days was crazy. My head was everywhere. I barely had time to think, let alone blog or read people's blogs.  Now don't get me wrong, I kept a wedding blog during the entire time of my wedding planning using our wedding website. That was what got me started with blogging in the first place. I had never done it before. Then I found out I actually had readers. The readers I didn't even know I had actually suggested that I create a new blog - so that's what I did. But, in the wedding blog, when I hit that 10 day countdown to THE DAY, I blogged my excitement..then I blogged about something else shortly after that, and then you didn't hear from me till like a month after my wedding. hahaha I had better things to do. Not that I don't enjoy blogging and don't appreciate my readers. I just had completely forgotten about blogging by that point. After all, I didn't even realize I had readers. It was a time where I didn't have any drama from anyone to deal with, nobody was stressing me out...everything was awesome. I didn't have a care in the world other than getting married with those I love by my side. After the wedding, one of my readers had to remind me that people were waiting for the update. Imagine that? My bad! So that took me back to my first and original blog to finish it off.  Now, I make time to blog and actually enjoy it. Knowing that others are enjoying my blog too is a bonus. Like I've said before, if I can put a smile on someone's face in a day then I've done a good thing. At the same time, you can't please everyone and I definitely know that and don't expect to. But, i'm here now as an official Blogger and will definitely stay around BY POPULAR DEMAND! Is someone making my blog go Viral? Ok Ok...not exactly but it's being talked about these days i'm sure.  My popularity over the last little while has been crazy. I mean, my blog is getting read from start to finish. That's 66 posts! That's awesome. And the amount of time it got read yesterday alone! I feel honored when people have the time to read my ramblings. Then again, sometimes, you just don't have better things to do.

I thought i'd share a few of the comments about my blog that I've received after I've written and shared my posts directly to Facebook. 

Shannon:  I've said it before and I'll say it again, how eloquent. I really enjoy reading your blog, it's always thoughtful, tasteful and enjoyable and today's post is no exception. Happy Father's Day.
17 June at 10:21 ·  · 1

Satyne: LOVE your blog!!! Can't wait to see ALL those BLINGED out canadian Attire at conetsts!!!LOL
6 March at 13:00 ·  · 1

Shannon:  Love reading your blog! You have a wonderful way with words :)
6 March at 20:37 ·  · 1

Pauline:  Your love really is a fairy tale, I loved reading that story, Happy Valentines Day to you both xx
14 February at 06:04 ·  · 1

Deadra:  Awesome!!!!!
7 February at 17:06 ·  · 1

Again, thank you to my readers for your support and following. And hey, thank you to my FEW haters too.

After the week I've had....Woo Hoo  Can't wait till next weekend...but first...I gotta become a Spartan!
#6854 baby!! It's gonna happen!  Stay tuned for the update and hopefully some pics.  Gonna have mud in the face and probably in places it doesn't need to be. lol Gonna be bruised and beaten but it will be worth it! I've been through worse emotionally so I can handle the physical.  hahaha   Some people ask me why I am doing it? My answer..why the hell not!! lol It's something I can look back at and be proud of. Besides, right now, I don't have better things to do.  hahahahaha  And hubby will be right by my side...helping me over walls and stuff I hope. :)
Gonna be a great weekend!  Then, I can count down to the next one.
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
God Bless!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Be Blessed

I've been stuck on REPEAT on my drive to and from work for a few days. That's at least an hour each way over and over. You know how many times that might be? Lol I'm not doing the math.
Be Blessed by Yolanda Adams. Absolutely love this song and a much needed message for today and every day. Just listen to the words.

[Verse 1:]
Too many storms have passed your way
And you're all washed out cause it rained on your parade
Seems nobody cares about you anyway
Now you're living your life like a castaway
Searched for strength inside was it all in vain
Cause the deeper you dig you find more and more pain
Don't let your tomorrow be like yesterday
Cause I spoke to God, I called out your name
And on your behalf, I just asked if He would be there for you
I want you to

Be Blessed, Don't live life in distress
Just let go, let God, He'll work it out for you
I pray that your soul will be blessed
Forever in his rest, Cause you deserve his best no less

[Verse 2:]
Enter a place where you never have to cry
Never have to live a lie, never have to wonder why
Never LONG for nothing you're always satisfied
In the peace that his arms will provide
He will erase any guilt or shame, any bad habits you've got
You won't wanna do em again, Yes we all can change, I can testify
See I spoke to God, I called out your name
And on your behalf, I just asked, If he would be there for you
I want you to

[Repeat Chorus]

My prayer for you today, Is that you trust and always obey
On his name keep calling [choir]
On his name keep calling [solo]
He'll keep you from falling [choir]
He'll keep you from falling [solo]
He'll supply the answers [choir]
Yes He will, if you stand in faith and trust Him to make a way out of no way [solo]

[Repeat Chorus]

Be blessed from the bottom of your feet to the crown of your head
Your life be blessed
Your family be blessed
Your finances be blessed
Everything about you

If someone tells you you are stupid enough times, the belief is that you might start to believe it. I was looking for the same effect. Good thing it was only me and God in the car. I don't think Furman could have handled the same song over and over and over. Lol

I'm gonna Be Blessed! 

I've been feeling a tad like Job from the Bible lately - being tested. But, I'm blessed and I know it. If you are Blessed and you know it clap your hands!! lol With all I have been through in life already, I know that I am damn strong even though there are people that would love to break me down sometimes.


I also dedicate this song to both of my children whom I love more than they could ever imagine. I want them to Be Blessed also. I am soo happy with how I have raised you both. Know that I will always and forever be here for you! I got you!

I also want the person who wrote their nasty comment on my blog this morning to Be Blessed...I'm pretty sure I know who wrote it. lol Their messages are like a copy and paste of their previous nasty messages to me. It's not worth publishing for all to read. I'll just file it with all the others I already have. Not sure why they bother. If they can't be nice they can't play! Nice to know they read my blog too though (love my Live Feed showing that I am popular in the Hills as they read and get caught up on the rest of my blog posts..lol), but they can save their comments for someone that cares. And...they really don't need to get their friends and family to come and post their bashing comments in support of them either. Just read, and enjoy. Judging the entire blog based on a couple posts is soo them. They judge other people's lives based on one thing the person does or doesn't do. Their comment - just judging again! I keep telling them...It's not always about you!!. Their comment this morning actually made my day though...so thank you! And when they had someone else come read my blog and they commented...I was equally pleased. Why not....I'm Blessed! Word to my new fans who are reading my blog for a particular purpose...there is always 3 sides to every story, so if you keep reading you might get the second side one day. But I haven't posted anything yet because my blog is not about your loved one, it's about mine!


Yup..Today is a good day! Last evening I was able to sort out a few things that helped to put my mind at ease about something that had been bothering me for a few days.  It's amazing how God works. He put someone in my path that was dealing with the same issue and then put someone else in my path to help me see that a decision I made about something was the right one and that things would be just fine.  Oh, but that was after he directed me to someone else's blog about Trusting in God first. Isn't that awesome? "Just let go, let God, he'll work it out for you". 
I got the message. 

No updates on Immigration yet but fingers still crossed.

Soo....I have 3 more days until my Spartan Sprint. I'm looking forward to it but I am also dreading it at the same time because my training has kind of gotten off track a bit. It's ok though because I know i'll finish and then i'll be sporting around with my Spartan Medal and hopefully a kickass t-shirt. Pics to come. My friend is coming with us as she is doing one of the heats also. So look forward to hanging out with her Saturday night. We gotta do pasta!!.

But tonight...OMG tonight...my husband will be cheering on what he hopes to be the final game of the NBA Finals with Miami Heat vs Oklahoma Thunder. I read they got churches in Miami actually praying for a win. hahahaha You know I gotta keep my distance from him and the tv. But, i'll be frontrow seat to watch his antics as he cheers on their every move!  Gonna be exciting. Me? Go Oklahoma!  hahahaha Just because!

I'll stop here....so my new fans can read today's post as my feed shows they are living on my blog. Damn! Clearly they are anxiously awaiting the new post. Get caught up...get caught up....so you can see...it's not about you. But, if you ever want an autographed copy of the posts that you might have been mentioned in....

I love my readers. Thank you all for appreciating my ramblings.
Continue to read.....cause I try my best to keep it interesting.
God Bless!

Monday, June 18, 2012

If I Shall Die Before I Wake....

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I shall die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

I can't get this little prayer out of my head.
I have memories of getting on my knees with my mom at bedtime to say this prayer together. My favorite part was always the God Bless because that's when I would try to name everyone I wanted God to bless. lol Coming from a family where my mom has 13 siblings....the list seemed endless.

If I Shall Die Before I Wake?
How will I be remembered? Who will miss me? Would I be ready? Would anyone cry?

My husband and I were talking about our post mortem plans the other day. Sounds morbid, I know. Not sure how we got into that conversation. But seriously, we were talking about what our wishes were after our passing. Funeral or non funeral arrangements per se. Hey, this stuff is good to know...just in case. Don't think i'll mention what decision we came to because that might cause a stir in itself. hahaha  Furman insists that he pass before me though...what nerve! 

I've been going through a real hard time this month. Unbelievable! A June I will never forget. 
I am soo thankful for two friends in particular that have given me their shoulders and some great words of encouragement.  Thank you ladies. I love you both!

I'm lamenting.  I just don't understand how things happen.  Why? Always try to remember that it's not always about me. I know I've said this before but I have to believe that to keep going sometimes. I look back in my Bible for verses I grew up with for comfort. Verses like: Proverbs 3:5-6, Romans 3:28, John 14:27, 

Psalm 34:17-22
The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them;    
he delivers them from all their troubles.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted     
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
A righteous man may have many troubles,     
but the LORD delivers him from them all;
he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.
Evil will slay the wicked;     
the foes of the righteous will be condemned.
The LORD redeems his servants;     
no one will be condemned who takes refuge in him.

                                                                                                                       ...the list goes on.

As I drive to work I have too much time to think...so I listen....and cry....

During the day, I try my best to keep busy with my work and hide how I feel.  I try to prevent distractions with my headphones belting out my favorite gospel tunes to get me through my day. Then I go home.....

I am very thankful that God has given me Furman to help me get through the good and the bad. I don't know how I would handle some things alone.  I really don't.  Ok Ok...let me correct myself...because I know that I am never alone when I have God....but you know what I mean! 

Thank you Furman.   It may not seem like it sometimes, but you do help keep me together.

The weekend, has passed.  The weeks ahead...gonna keep on keeping on!

It makes me feel a bit better to write...so that's what i'm doing.  Now you see..... everything isn't all roses all the time. But, we persevere!  WWJD?


Micah 7:8

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