Oct 6, 2011 - "So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." Matt 19:6

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blog 1st Anniversary


Well, it's been a year since I have started this blog, The Countdown Begins (1st Post), at the suggestion of a friend and co-worker that had been reading my wedding blog (my first). Thank you for getting me started, you know who you are. I guess its safe to say that with almost 10,000 reads from over 10 different countries in 1yr, the blog has been a success. While I may have pissed off a few people in a few of my posts, the number of positive comments and feedback that I have received have far outweighed any negative complaints. Far! My apologies to those that may not have liked what they were reading at any time for any reason.

Just having the support of my husband has been encouraging alone. A man who has often helped me with my composing during times I had technical difficulties. A man that let me talk about him and our adventures. Thank You Furman...for your undying love and support. Oh, and for helping me with some great content. lol.

And thank you to a dear friend that has been an avid reader and has acted as my in-house editor at times. lol Your tips have been appreciated although I've still had some "Oh no she didn't!" moments. lmao Your encouragement and support has meant the world to me.
Thank you for keeping me going, you know who you are.

Oh, and I have to mention the encouraging praise that I received from my mother. This, was after someone gave her a printed copy of one of my posts in obvious complaint. After she asked if I had written what she was given, she said "You should be a writer!" ROFLMAO I'll never forget it. My mom! With her not knowing anything about computers, I never would have thought she'd be interested in reading what I write. Thank you to the person that shared my blog with my mom. Thank you Mom! It was such an incredible moment.

I knew I was onto something. Nobody could hold me back!

I had to share this song because the words are so fitting..lol

That being said, I definitely want to
Thank all of my readers from all over the world. 

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers

Blogging has been an amazing experience. Using Feedjit Live and following where my readers were coming from, which posts were more popular than others, how fast after publishing a new post that people were interested in reading what I've written. Oh, and reading the comments for those that took the time to write one, whether it was published or not (Not - because of personal attacks). I feel honored and blessed that people were interested in what I had to say...about anything. That my blog posts often became a topic of conversation whether I was included in that conversation or not. I want to say THANK YOU. You can't make everyone happy but I made myself happy and definitely put some smiles on some faces. Blogging is like an online diary...you feel better once you've written something sometimes. I stayed true to myself and wrote about the positive as well as negative that we/I was going through. I remained consistent and didn't fall off the blog wagon like so many do for this reason or that. I made the time to write..sometimes about pure nonsense...hahahaha But it was nice to know that somebody, anybody, was reading.

So, the last several weeks as the Immigration Process has been coming to an end, I've also been thinking about next steps for the blog. What Happens When.. People have asked. I wasn't quite sure what to answer. End the blog completely and call it quits when Furman is officially Home? Start a new blog completely unrelated? Continue with Furman's adventures and adjustment to Canada? At this point, i've decided to continue. I'm not going to change the URL because people have come to know it and....we like it. But, I will migrate the content and change the style to reflect a new chapter in our lives. 

Keep following....

Hey....it takes about 3 years before Furman can apply for Dual Citizenship if he chooses. 
That's a whole other process. lol  I've updated the counter on the right that used to count up to completion of our Immigration Application. lol Now, it captures how long he has been a Permanent Resident and is able to apply for Dual Citizenship.
Till then....Furman will be Canuckinized. (Stupid word, I know..lol) Slowly learning more and more about this great Country, it's people and how we are so different from America.
Now...if that ain't a reason to keep blogging...I don't know what is. lol


  1. Love the new look to the blog! So glad you decided to keep the blog going with not too many changes to it :)

    1. Thanks girl...until I become a blog expert, minimal changes will have to do. lol I thought this new look would reflect our Canadian weather. haha I really liked the old one..but needed a change if I was going to continue.


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