Oct 6, 2011 - "So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." Matt 19:6

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Delayed Progress

Well, just giving you all an update on what's been going on with my battle to get my moms apartment repaired. lol For those that have been following. I may have won, but haven't gotten Moms Prize quite yet. But I'm not giving up because I already know that Mission NOT Impossible.

While digging around for some files on the computer today, (you know, trying to organize and file in a duotang all that pertains to this mission), I came across some very old correspondence that actually shocked me. I found a letter that I had written in May of 2004!! It was addressed to everyone and anybody that would listen. Clearly, I wrote the letter out of desperation. Not sure where it went though. Thing is, it was about the exact same thing I've been fighting now...."Foreign Bacteria Growth" (as I stated in the letter..lol) in my mothers kitchen and the overall state of disrepair of her unit. 2004!! I clearly identified in the letter that back in June/July of 2003 that one of my auntie's had made an attempt to get someone to address the repairs when she visited the management office in person. Of course, she was fed LIES that it would be taken care of! And, I noted that my cousin also wrote a letter of her own to try and get some action with no luck. God Bless them both for trying! Love them. And i'll add that they did an awesome job in raising me for the years I was with them. (big smile)

Excerpt from a 2006 email
Oh, but the correspondence doesn't end there! I also found some emails I had saved in an old email account that I no longer use. No kidding! They were addressing the same issue. lol In fact, these emails were in 2006 when I was fighting to get repairs done to my moms apartment before she returned home from the hospital. This was when she had been diagnosed with Cancer. I had to contact the Public Health Department at this time. I remember that someone from the hospital even went to my mom's home for an inspection when I insisted that her return there was not good for her health. At that time, I managed to finally get some things done. Unfortunately, what they did was cover up the mold, replaster and paint. lol Funny thing is, that in my emails from 2006, I was blasting them for the horrible job that they did. Check out the excerpt. lol

Anyways, I printed and filed all that I had found. I should have known I had something still documented. lol Then, I started writing some more emails today. After all, it's been a month since I first wrote the President of Housing and contacted, once again, Public Health and the Licensing and Standards Commission. While they took care of the mold issue immediately and properly this time, mom is still waiting for her kitchen to be completed. This means, that she is unable to cook or anything because she has nothing. I was there last week and took photos of the job they completed after the mold cleanup, to show what it looks like while we wait for the cupboards. You know I had to take one with mom in it. lol Don't let her beautiful smile fool you....she is just as unhappy as I am that she is still waiting. Ok...I'm more angry actually. Just don't like people treating my mother poorly...regardless of who you are!!

Ta Da!!! This, was last week.

These, are this week!!

Apparently there is another leak in the building! In my moms unit specifically or so I've been told. Good thing they hadn't installed her new cupboards yet. They have now started tearing out her kitchen wall again. This, is part of what prompted my email writing campaign today. They are going backwards. lol I wanted to make sure that the powers that be knew exactly what was going on. I wanted something in writing that told me when this was going to be completed once and for all!

When they started the mold remediation I received an email that outlined exactly what would be done (including all the extras) and roughly when it would be completed, which clearly doesn't seem like they will be meeting. So, when I forwarded my emails today, I not only emphasized the delay but noted the inconvenience and additional cost that has resulted from mom not having a kitchen for her meals. Oh, and I didn't fail to mention the history of emails I had come across. hahaha I also included the oldest from 2004 in my email for the President to read. Thought he might be interested to see that this fight has gone on for 10 years and has been documented!!!

Anyways, it didn't take long to get an email from the building superintendant the provided me a timeline in writing. According to what he's written, Monday should be the grand finale! Mind you, I don't believe anything they say. lol Have reason not to. And on the drive home, I got a call from a big wig. lol He got my email too, and what I sent the President. (That included a video of the current state of my mothers apartment). Yup! He called to GUARANTEE that this work will be done next week. lol GUARANTEE I tell ya! Thems big words!! So, i'll keep documenting and follow up next week with everybody!! haha And when it's all said and done....I've got something else in store for them, if all goes well. Can't wait to show pictures of the new beautiful kitchen and the even bigger smile on moms face.

Uh....I gotta go now. Gotta watch Game 3 of the Toronto Maple Leaf vs Boston Bruins game. At least until Furman gets home and wants to watch Miami vs Chicago in basketball. lol


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