All day....All day....I have been waiting for Canada Post to update their website to confirm delivery of my package to the Case Processing Center. All day!! Can you imagine how many times I have checked the Canada Post website with my tracking number, sometimes a minute apart as if I might have missed something within the last minute? Yup....almost like waiting for a phone call and picking up the receiver to make sure there is dial tone and the phone is working. lol Since I got home from work I've still been checking for updates like a mad woman. It's after 8pm and there is still no update on a package that was supposed to have been delivered today!! my package?
I just want to know it's in the building and hopefully on someone's desk. That's all. Where is my package?
So, i'm updating my blog to share my anticipation and frustration with not knowing what is going on. This just goes to show that the next several months or however long this whole thing gonna feel longer than ever. Lord help me!! Once I receive a Client Number and will be able to check for application status updates on the Canadian Immigration website i'm gonna be a mess. lol But, i've gotta pull myself away from the computer and accept that I wont have confirmation of delivery until tomorrow. So when I finish writing this entry i'm going to put it out of my mind for But, as I write this blog in disappointment, I have another window open to keep refreshing for a delivery status update. Nothing! I might check just one more time before getting in bed though.
My suggestion to Canada Post - Indicate on your website what time updates are to be made to save people from stalking your website for the info. Now don't get me wrong, I did request on the website to be sent an email notification of delivery, but the wait is killing me. You'd think all the patience that I have exercised thus far would have prepared me for this. I just want to know...Did it make it? I packaged all the documents in a safe padded envelope so that any of the machines at the Canada Post plant couldn't damage my envelope too bad and my papers would be safe. Smart thinking i'd say. After all, Furman sent his documents to me using Priority Post with the USPS. Before it reached my hands, the torn envelope had been nicely placed in a clear plastic post office bag for delivery. Luckily, it wasn't torn enough to lose anything from it.
Well, let me do a refresh just one more time before I call it a night.
WAIT FOR IT...........WAIT FOR IT........
8:45pm.....Nothing....still shows that the Item was Out For Delivery at 9:20 this morning.
Test for tomorrow.....Patience, because I certainly don't want to have to start calling people on the phone with my inquiries. After all, the website makes it clear to tell you: Please note that this is the most up-to-date information available in our system. Our telephone agents have access to the same information presented here. Gheez....what do you think they are trying to tell me? Lol
If you know where my package Please let me know!! Jk Jk
Tomorrow it is!!
A personal blog that started about the experience with Canadian Immigration and the wait to bridge the gap between two in Love. An American and Canadian that were trying to finally be together once and for all!! After 360 days, Furman was granted Permanent Residency in Canada. Now, we are getting Furman settled here. He is home! Now, the road to Dual Citizenship.
Oct 6, 2011 - "So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." Matt 19:6
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